My photo
I've fished for as long as I can remember, moving from bait to spinning, then to fly fishing much later in my life. But I must confess that I still may leave my fly rod behind to wander the stream with my spinning gear. While this 'blog' focuses on my piscatorial pursuits, it may at times digress.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Brown trout and ....

Brown trout anglers

Brown trout anglers
catch few fishes
and usually let them go.
Barbless hooks 
make more for wishes
then fish to show
young eyes with wonder.

Brown trout anglers tell tales
distilled from truth
of flashes, almosts and
fish as long as your arm.
But also speak of
otters, beavers and deer
woodpeckers, turkeys and warblers
turtles, frogs and snakes
orchids, iris and skunk cabbage
mosquitoes, blackflies and nettles.

Brown trout anglers
define a river
by its banks
and its water 
and know it remains
the same but
always changing
awaiting their return.

Painted Lady

I smooth the spot
where your barb
used to be
and touch you lightly
with the steel
to keep your edge.
I test your tension
feel the spring in your curves
this time you pass

I tighten the vise
to hold you tightly
then wind the silk
up from your ankle
to just below your neck.

I caress you with fur,
tickle you with feathers
then daub you with varnish.
Blowing lightly cross the back
of your restrained form
I cast you in my mind
to your element
wet and undulating.

I leave you for a while
bound in your perfection
then release the vise
and place you in my box
between the Blue Charms
and Royal Coachmen.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

An Incompleate Angler - Confessions of a Second-class Fisherman

"We were left to assume, as my brother and I did, that all first-class fishermen on the Sea of Galilee were fly fisherman and that John, the favorite, was a dry-fly fisherman."

A River Runs Through It - Norman Maclean

I've fished for as long as I can remember, but came to fly fishing much later in my life. I'm still not that good at it, generally fish wet rather than dry and often leave my fly rod behind in favor of chucking hardware .

This "blog" will usually be fishing related may at times digress.