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I've fished for as long as I can remember, moving from bait to spinning, then to fly fishing much later in my life. But I must confess that I still may leave my fly rod behind to wander the stream with my spinning gear. While this 'blog' focuses on my piscatorial pursuits, it may at times digress.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Whitewater time

Adrift in a current
I cannot control,
no time for excuses.
But there's poetry here,
if only I can hold
in this backeddy
and jot it all down.

Already the end of October
and half the trees are bare.
The song birds are gone,
sweet tunes slipping south,
leaving only the harsh cries
of jays and crows.
In the rivers, salmon
flounder, their future
deposited in gravel banks.
Ice on the deck this morning,
I almost slipped going down
to play fetch with the dogs
and plant next year's garlic.
Soon there will be snow.

Each day grows shorter
each night longer,
and the darkness
keeps me awake.
And I look to the future
with a jumble of
anticipation and dread
for the moment when 
time flows no more